
Key Parts: Nicht-Fachleute’s New Method with a New DNA Speicherung Method

Key Parts: Nicht-Fachleute’s New Method with a New DNA Speicherung Method

Wie sich herausstellt, muss man kein/e Forscher: in sein, um Daten in DNA kodieren. Forscher:innen arbeiten seit Jahrzehnten und solchen Speichermethoden. It’s a new technology, a chemical process that doesn’t depend on orientation, so it’s very easy to have a good technology: a new technology. By using a new technology, you can achieve a highly stable art of gaining knowledge.

Die Idea, speichern data of DNA were the first information from the vorgeschlagen of Physicist Richard Feynman. The Genetic Material was supported by many different Speicherdichte and Stops: One Gram of DNA can create a Billion Gigabytes of Data data and Ensure the Conversion of Information into Information. Later, a team under Leitung von George Church and Harvard University came up with the idea in Praxis and coded it into 53,400 Wörtern.

Ansatz by Natural DNA Synthesis: Genetischen Bausteine ​​of DNA, sogenannten Nucleotide was obtained by combining Stück für Stück and Perlen with one another. Zucker’s best nucleotide came with a Phosphate support and Adenine (A), Thymine (T), Cytosine (C) and Guanine (G), an older source of knowledge and more comprehensive information. Das Verfahren war alerts, always and more. Basically, it contains a very important piece of information, a Bit (or a Byte) of Information. Vor allem aber war für die Durchführung des Verfahrens Fachwissen erforderlich.

Bis jetzt. Die Ende Oktober im Fachjournal “Nature” Veröffentlichte New Method This is efficient and has 350 Bits in a file which means Weird parallel codes. Bausteine ​​helped DNA-Strangs create a new discovery, resulting in the Team adjusting DNA-Strangs to the gems and 20 nuclear data and code information, replacing a Methyl group, and performing new chemistry in another process. The changes range between 0 and 1. Pattern Information can be used in a much better way. Nanopore-Sequenzierern The best thing was a Strang methyliert wurde.

Inspiration aus der Zelle

Inspired by Long Qian and Zellen’s Verhalten Team from Peking University. “Jede Zelle created genetic Programming erfolgt during DNA Yield in a Körper called Genomsequenz. Wenn das Leben das kann, können wir das auch“, sagt Qian. How nice, with Gewebe or Aufgabe Unterschiedliche Gene in Gesamtpool We are at Gesamtpool, welcome to a chemical brand sign and something in general. You are connected. This is a Methylgroup and a sie angeheftet, also a kleines, Methan’s contributions to the Molecule, Gen abgeschaltet und wird nicht abgelesen Fehlt die Metilierung, ist das Gen nutzbar.

The New Method is a new Speicher capacity method of DNA-Strangs since 70 Bit. For large data files: The data is constantly used in Strichcodes containing new codes to obtain more data. Die Strange can be used in a better way and then run the Strichcode sequence. Among the technological codes Forscher: There are advertisements of Tiger in Han-Dynastie and there is a huge progress of the coders, which is very important for us. Along with a photorealistic Panda, complete Bildern functions are also available.

Theoretically, there is a new method, so more detailed information about the manipulation of DNA can be obtained. Um die Anwendbarkeit in der Praxis zu testen, bat das Team 60 Student:innen mit unterschiedlichem Hintergrund und nicht nur Wissenschaftler:innen, einen beliebigen Text ihrer Wahl zu codeieren. Freiwilligen transfers text to a Web server in Binarcode. Creating an Enzyme Kit in a Test Pallet with 96 Vertiefungen Pipette with our team, enrich with DNA-Baustein and get a more well-dissolved enzyme.

Anschließend was in Team hands when DNA-Strang was tested on a machine for the first time. The computer is used together, Entschlüsselungsalgorithmus drüberlaufen und schickten die wiederhergestellte Nachricht and a Web server is encrypted with a Freiwilligen and a password. Der Text has 1.4 Prozent falsche Buchstaben und Fehler, Sprachlernmodelle korrigiert durch wurden anschließend durch.

Fernziel: Langzeitspeicher

Thanks to this technology, you can do nothing to obtain any medical, financial or informational data by leveraging archival data.

Der Erfolg is a good technology with technical codes and can have a practical technology with DNA-Speicherung Schließlich. “Jeder Speichert Tagtäglich Daten, und um mit den herkömmlichen Datenspeichertechnologien zu können, müssen die DNA-Methoden für den Normalbürger nutzbar sein”, Jeff Nivala, Co-Director of Molecular Information System Studies at the University of Washington. “Dies ist noch eine frühe Demonstration, die sich an Nicht-Expert:innen richtet, aber ich danse, es ist ziemlich einzigartig, dass sie dazu in der Lage sind”.

DNA Speicherung has a very good Fortschritte machine for structuring all kinds of data. The new System is equipped with data processing techniques or more advanced DNA synthesis methods, Nivala performs the encoding process while efficiently automating big data processing processes. In Zukunft you can use the DNA Speicherung from Schablonen’s Grundlage as another method for registering another data source.

Article by author Jenna Ahart.

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