
Google-Maschine schafft, woran Menschen scheitern

Google-Maschine schafft, woran Menschen scheitern

A new KI-Technologie from Google DeepMind was a very good thing: the “Habermas Machine” created a new human resource together with Standpunkten. In the tests übertraf sie dabei deutlich die Erfolgsquote menschlicher Mediatoren.

Künstliche Vernunft statt menschlicher Sturheit

Wenn Menschen cannot buy more jewelry and jewelery with another machine, with a wider range of products. So the kann man translator was KI-Forscher herausfanden. The “Habermas Machine”, a KI-System of Google DeepMind, has been converted into a Mediatoren of 44 Prozents by Konsensmeinungen Vermittlung with an Akzeptanzrate of 56 Prozents. In Tests with more than 5,000 Teilnehmern KI, 8 Prozentpunkte zu Steigern was kontroversenstimmung on Themes (Quelle: Science).

Wir leben in einer Zeit, in der viele Menschen ihr Land als tief gespalten wahrnehmen – 73% in Deutschland (Quelle: Allensbach Institute), 80% in the USA (Quelle: Gallup). Kluft uses themes from Immigration or Bevölkerungsgruppen to Klimawandel. Listen to KI-gestützten Algorithms popular and Spaltung voranzutreiben on YouTube, Facebook and other platforms. Not at all, it was never an ironic thing, because the problem of intelligent intelligence has not been solved.

Why is Friedens-KI so functional?

German Philosopher Jürgen Habermas gave information about Kraft’s rational communication approach and DeepMind-System’s “Meeting-Mediation-Prinzip”: KI came together with a new theme and a new theme A Group Statement, Completely Beteiligten Akzeptabel Very good. Professor Chris Summerfield, University of Oxford and Kognitionsforscher and Mitarbeiter from DeepMind: “Was die Maschine zu tun scheint, ist, die Mehrheitsmeinung zu respektieren und gleichzeitig einen Text zu verfassen, der die Minderheit nicht völlig ausschließt.”

A test with 200 replicates was conducted in Britain: Bei 5 von 9 Streitfragen Contact KI a Standpunkte annäherung der KI. Allerdings remains a “Habermas Machine” positioned in the Brexit Debate and Grenzen. Neither KI-Technologie is that good, nor are they all great.

Was it Weiß denn sowas?

Could Prozentpunkte be used as a good incentive to keep the “Habermas Machine” under control?

KI was once again successful as a very good counterplayer with 8 Prozentpunkte.

Did you call KI-System “Habermas Machine”?

The system led the German Philosopher Jürgen Habermas to once again rationalize this inverse, ideal methods of communication.

Is this the Akzeptanzrate of the KI Creator Group Creator as a mediator?

The “Habermas Machine” had a common arbiter at 44% with an Akzeptanzrate in Gruppenerklärungen at 56% – another release with 12 Prozentpunkte.