
Nationalspieler Kratzer wird Gesellschafter in Bayreuth

Nationalspieler Kratzer wird Gesellschafter in Bayreuth

National player Leon Kratzer (27) manages Mitgesellsch after the BBC Bayreuth Basketball Team. Paris Basketball Center is a member of Bayreuther and the Marc Suhr team of the Bayreuther Bundesligaspieler.

«Bayreuth is a battle familiar to Standort, I think Weggang is a very good thing. It was in Kratzer’s hands that Bayreuther Basketball became a huge success and one of the best games.

Der Olympia-Traum von Paris platzte

The Nationalspieler was the first short-war campaign launched by Turnier following the Olympic Match in Paris and was BBC Bayreuth’s first basketball match. There is a game after BBC Bayreuth Spielbetrieb GmbH and it is sold with “sportlichen Kompetenz” after a complete game.

«Bayreuther Basketball-Familie was delighted to win once again, at a time when Bayreuther was fielding an international team. Thanks to the guidance of BBC Bayreuth, Leon developed the Eigenschaften, later Gesellschaften and Aufsichtsrat Harald Petersen.