
Israel connects Hamas-Commander to Schusswechsel

Israel connects Hamas-Commander to Schusswechsel

Ramallah. Israeli Einsatzkräfte became a major part of the Islamist organization Hamas in western Jordan. In Islam Dschamil Odeh, Zukunft Anschläge, the Israeli Army appealed to the Inlandsgeheimdienst Schin Bet regarding the Polizei mit. Israel handed over Hamas’ military weapons to the military units of the Al Qassam Brigade in Tulkarem.

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Einsatz and Morgen in the northwestern Palästinensergebiets Stadt are located as part of the Israeli Sicherheitskräfte, at least in the army’s Mitteilung. Einsatzkräfte held new elections and fell into the hands of the Hamas-commander. Seinen Vorgänger surpassed Anfang Oktober, an Israeli Einsatz ghetto. Das Gesundheitsministerium in Ramallah makes the most of Tod des 29-Jährigen.

They once captured Hamas-Massaker in Western Jordan for a year and suffered a new German offensive of Gaza-Krieg. Note the extremes and excesses of 727 Palestine, as well as the Gesundheitsministeriums in Ramallah, in the Israeli Militäreinsätzen.

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