
ROUNDUP/Aktien New York Schluss: The party is over

ROUNDUP/Aktien New York Schluss: The party is over

News from Finansanznachrichten

NEW YORK (dpa-AFX) – Luft has a US-Börsen plan for the first time. Recession in Donnerstag continues on Technologieborse Nasdaq Verluste as well as on Wall Street. Stärker was successful once again, using Stimmung as a powerful gesture in October. Dazu beat US Notenbankchefs Jerome Powell and lost the Fed by doing nothing.

Der Dow Jones Industrial verlor 0.47 to 43,750.86 points. It took the Dow more than 6 moves to outperform Donald Trump in the US-Presidential War, setting a previous false record. Ähnlich war das Bild an der Nasdaq-Börse. This is something where everything has to go smoothly.

At Donnerstag, the S&P has a yield of 500 million and rose from 5,949.17 to 0.60 Prozent. Der Nasdaq 100 points 0.66 points and 20,896.67 points.

A large portion of the Platz at Walt Disney’s Dow Lagen came with over 6 projects as part of Entertainment Entertainment. The new Geschäftsjahr 2024/25 facility Konzernchef Robert Iger hosted the Gewinnwachstum. This is an Aktienrückkäufe of US$3 Billion.

Kursverluste resulted in greater activity in the US-Rüstungskonzerne. Papers for Prozent versions 2.8 and 6.9 from General Dynamics, RTX, Lockheed Martin and GE Aerospace. I am interested in Handel, Unsicherheit between Verteidigungspolitik of the USA and Blick’s Investments. “Mistakes” and fewer mistakes can be made by a user.

Verlierern on the Dow closed with Cisco’s Anteile closing in on a 2.1 percent gain. Analyzes rang Quartalsbilanz de Netzwerkspezialisten. Expert David Vogt from Bank UBS made a profit that can be considered Zenit’s first profitability.

Neben Cisco also offers other IT and Technology activities at Dow. That is, 0.9 Procent compared to Salesforce and IBM 3.

Euro Rate is equivalent to New York Devisenhandel to Schwäche at 1.0520 US Dollars. Die Europäische Zentralbank hatte den Referenzkurs zuvor auf 1.0533 (Mittwoch: 1.0629) Dollar festgesetzt. The dollar amount is 0.9493 (0.9408) Euros.

Im Handel, the same way as the US Staatsanleihen. Der Latest Transactions Papiere (T-Note-Future) decreased to 0.04 points with 109.38 points. Bundesanleihen Verharrte bei 4,44 Prozent./bek/he

— Von Benjamin Krieger, dpa-AFX —

US17275R1023, US79466L3024, US3695501086, US4592001014, US5398301094, US2546871060, EU0009652759, US2605661048, US6311011026, US78378X1072, 24 55711, US75513E1010, US3696043013