
Student violence: Teacher reporting form dropped after one use

Student violence: Teacher reporting form dropped after one use

The EIS said that since the form was introduced there were concerns that unions would be bypassed in the process.

He added that some teachers were also concerned about the possibility of identification.

The reporting form was announced by the council after an EIS report published in February highlighted violent student behavior in the city’s schools.

It has been suggested that teachers were encouraged not to report incidents in order to avoid exclusions.

Some said they were traumatized, fearful for their safety and afraid to go to work due to increased student violence.

EIS branch secretary Ron Constable said he was not surprised by the removal of the form.

He told BBC Scotland News: “The EIS felt this was a completely inadequate form for reporting the incident.

“While it bypassed the unions entirely and gave the council a chance to hear teachers’ opinions, there were concerns about them being identified, particularly in smaller schools.”