
DFB Team Wins Bundestrainer’s Prestigious Team in England with Christian Wück

DFB Team Wins Bundestrainer’s Prestigious Team in England with Christian Wück

Der überglückliche Christian Wück nahm seine Spielerinnen nach seinem Traumeinstand in the Arm. We are talking about a period when the Bundestrainer had the greatest prestige of Wembley. The German football match, played in the 2022 EM-Finals in Vize-Weltmeister in England with a score of 4:3 (3:2), was a great success with Giulia Gwinn becoming the new captain from Spur, despite Setzrissen’s great Umbruch battle .

“Das war eine Achterbahnfahrt der Gefühle”, sagte Gwinn in der ARD, “da war einfach alles dabei: Tore, Elfmeter, Abseitstore, Pfostentreffer. Natürlich freuen wir uns, Christian einen solch tollen Einstand ermöglicht zu haben. So kann es weitergehen.”

We attacked Himmel, but also Anpfiff at Feuerwerk in the legendary London Fußball-Kathedrale. The first Knalleeffect should be 47.967. The fans had no warning: within a few minutes there was a Foulelfmeter of the English Kapitän Leah Williamson in the Mannschaft – once again with two connections (4th).

Damit hatte sich auch Wücks, as a result of old personal plans. Denn Debutantin Giovanna Hoffmann (RB Leipzig) had a German fristigen from Sturm-Ausfällen after the game played by Linda Dallmann, with Lea Schüller and Laura Freigang later for better or worse. Later, together with Hoffmann, he is currently Assistant Professor.