
MSV Duisburg has no further specifications

MSV Duisburg has no further specifications

The matches between 1. FC Bocholt and MSV Duisburg faced a team that performed very well together with Mittwoch, allowing Meidericher to outlast Sprung and Tabellenspitze.

Rudelbildung in Nachspielzeit: Bocholts Marko Stojanovic (Zweiter von rechts) surpasses Rote Karte.

Rudelbildung in Nachspielzeit: Bocholts Marko Stojanovic (Zweiter von rechts) surpasses Rote Karte.
IMAGO/Klumpen Sportfoto


In Folge, Punktspiel-Niederlagen plays 1. FC Bocholt in Nachholspiel, together with Mittwoch in MSV Duisburg. The Zebras had a score of 1:1 to 1. FC Köln II and Steigerungsbedarf. After 3276 matches in the Bundesliga-Gründungs ​​there was a very bad siege and many matches in the Rückkehr and Tabellenspitze. And so a lot happened.

He managed the Zusätzliche Brisanz, Mittwochs-Partie, MSV together with two friends from Bocholtern: Coach Dietmar Hirsch and Stürmer Fakhro.

Bocholter needs to learn more at MSV and learn more at Spiel and access all links and more at Sussek. Doch diese Phase ebbte recht schnell wieder ab. In the 17th minute Heimfans den Torschrei broke away from Lippen with Lorch following the MSV-Schlussmann Braune plan.

Mannschaft needs to be neutralized weaker than the first Halbzeit. First came the end of Durchgangs, as Bocholt had before. First, in the 37th minute at Strafraum, Schuss von Assibey-Mensah blocked Moment by taking back MSV’s Pfosten. At minute 43, Sechzehner brought the ball to Eckball in front of Sussek after Fakhro-Kopf. Torlos plays in the Pause, Bocholt takes off his hat in the Vorteile in the first 45 Minutes.

Hahn hat daste Wort

We then started Duisburg in Durchgang. Richtig gefährlich comes in the 61st minute. Bookjans played a game of Eckball in Strafraum and saved Ball’s 1:0 clearance against Linie. Hausherren managed to score in the 64th minute. Minute: A Freistoßflanke strike against Euschen and the distance fell with the score at 1:1. Jetz, Schlag and Schlag turned the Ex-Klub into a new match with a new action, achieving a score of 2:1 in the 66th minute in the first Duisburger Führung. Nothing was done: Nothing was done in the first half of Assibey-Mensah at the Duisburger and he was not trailing for more than 20 Meters.

And yet, the revenues that come with a treffer have also increased. Thus, at the 82nd minute, Fox became the number one Freisto of Michelbrink and Latte. Michelbrink performed very well on Schwung’s orders in the 88th minute and entered the game once again against Göckan with a score of 3:2 at Strafraum.

Tore and Karten

0:1A. Hahn (61′)

1:1Euschen (64′)


Stadium Stadion am Hunting
Zuschauer 3,276 (payment)

He did very well in the last part of the match: Sussek starts with a heavy foul on Mittelfeld to get the Arrival Card. Stojanovic fought for a new contract and was also successful in Rote Kart. Bocholter Freistoß put Holldack into the Sechzehner, fought with Fox Mittlerweile into the Ganges and with Schuss. The ball races wide towards Sussek and he runs at full speed with a 4:2 Endstand.