
Church & Dwight Gives Q3 Erwartungen and Jahres Prognosis to

Church & Dwight Gives Q3 Erwartungen and Jahres Prognosis to

NEW YORK – Church and Dwight Co. (NYSE:) chose Erwartungen to achieve great success in the fourth quarter and anticipate new investments. Als Reaktion is due to the active activities of Handel and Mittwoch, 0.59%.

Konsumgüters had a Gewinn of $0.79, while an analysis of $0.68 was used. Umsatz gained 3.8 percent at $1.51 Billion and faced a higher Konsensschätzung of $1.5 Billion.

Together with the Impact of Das organische Umsatzwachstum, Akquisitionen, Veräußerungen and Wechselkursschwankungen, it is located at 4.3% in the quarter. Wachstum identified a Mengenwachstum with a positive price impact of 3.1% and a product mix impact of 1.2%.

Matthew Farrell, Chief Executive Officer, comment: “We are a top-performing brand from quarter to quarter. We are outperforming quarterly, outperforming product innovations and successively focused brands. Umsetzung does not change strategy.”

Das Consumer Domestic Segment is an organization with a rate of 3.3 percent, according to the large amount Geschäftseinheit des Unternehmens. Kernmarken of the church and Dwight attended the Berichtszeitraum Marktanteile hinzugewinnen.

The best Bruttomarge started with Productivity and High Efficiency between 60% and 45.0 Base Points.

Church & Dwight’s prediction for 2024: There is no organization with an expectation of 4%, there is a prediction of 3-4%. This is Erwartungen for a Gewinnwachstum with a return of 6-7% at a rate of 8%.

Farrell explained: “In September and October, Konsum offers more products in different product categories in the USA, with Bezug in the US-Verbrauchermarktes and Wachstumsrate in the Quarter.

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