
Super League live: FCZ – YB

Super League live: FCZ – YB

FCZ-YB: Die erste Halbzeit ist vorbei. It’s so good that FCZ and YB are in der Tabelle, hat man bisher nicht gesehen.

Beide started Mannschaften Spiel. This happened in the 15th minute when a Freistoss got his first big Chance of Luck and was free from the Zürcher Tor zum Abschluss. Brecher stands up richly and stops the ball further.

Berner dives deep into Chancen for the first time in 20 minutes, something he warns will come together sometime in the night.

Zürcher had a great chance in the 25th minute when Perea shot straight at Krasniqi. Von Ballmoos was YB’s #1 and allowed Ball into the Tor.

Gegen Ende says that the old Halbzeit is a noch einmal spannend. Chouiar will arrange a Freistoss in less time and Latte.