
Essilorluxottica auf Rekordhoch – Möglicher Meta-Einstieg Treibt

Essilorluxottica auf Rekordhoch – Möglicher Meta-Einstieg Treibt

Die Aktien des Brillenherstellers Essilorluxottica Sind am Montag nach Details über einen möglichen Einstieg des US-Konzerns Meta Auf ein Rekordhoch gesprungen. You will have between 4.3 euros and 226.30 euros and buy more than EuroStoxx 50. . Der Konzern is a figure of 103 Billion Euros.

Französische Nachrichtenkanal “BFM Business” is a management team among the best products of an Essilorluxottica übernehmen, as well as Facebook and Instagram-Mutter Meta. With Meta’s Gründer and Vorstandschef, Mark Zuckerberg acquired billions of Euros with the investments of Ray-Ban-Brillen.

French Italian Chef Branchenriesen Ende Juli hatte der, Francesco Milleri, das Interesse von Meta ohne weitere Details öffentlich gemacht. Hatte schon damals dies for a Kursschub in Essilorluxottica gesorgt. Schon Damals said that the Meta will use an Anteil von bis zu fünf Prozent und Essilorluxottica erwerben, using the spekuliert words of the Markt for a longer period of time.

There are smart bright and a lot of smart smart (KI) products in integrated products. In 2021, Meta, the smartest of the Ray-Ban brand, comes with Nutzer Photos and Videos, Music and Soundtracks. New Brillen delivered KI Powered MetaAI based on KI Model Lama.

These are combined with a camera and praise, KI-Zukunft’s best Baustein. A brilliant software has done a good job with KI and has been better than the Case with Facebook-Gründer and Meta-Chef Mark Zuckerberg. By contacting Nutzern, KI-Chatbot can perform Imaging to obtain more information, this also applies to ladies.(dpa)