
Die US-Wahl auf Were we in the USA?

Die US-Wahl auf Were we in the USA?

• On November 5, 2024, a new announcement was made in the USA: Kamala Harris ran for Democrats and Donald Trump ran for Republicans.

• Von Mitternacht bis in den Morgen deutscher Zeit sprechen Jan Feddersen und Simone Schmollack im Live broadcast on US-Wahl. Ihnen zugeschaltet werden 35 Expert*innen und Korrespondent’innen live aus den USA.

• Big Spannung is also valid with Ergebnisse in the Swing States, such as Arizona, Nevada, Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, North Carolina and Georgia.

21.26 Uhr: 83 Million US Americans* lag behind the Wahldienstag in the United States. This caused Stimmen to be cut in half in 2020 when Joe Biden and Donald Trump joined CNN. (pkt)

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20.37 Uhr: I’m once again following Former President Donald Trump for free: Spotify’s popular Podcast Joe Rogan, a Stand-up Comedian and commentator on the Ultimate Fighting Championchip (UFC). We made a very good deal with Elon Musk because Trump is a very important organization.

26am. October war Trump appears on Podcast Gast and later throws shade at JD Vance. I am Montag and Musk. In an interview with Kamala Harris, Harris said that while she had not been able to perform very well at Rogans Studio in Austin, Texas, she had not seen anything else perform better recently. It was a huge success – an $18 Million YouTube hit and a $45 Million interview with Trump. Rogans Publikum was considered a Wähler group with Harris throughout his youth. (pkt)

20.33 Uhr: Be New York Times First time in Washington since a Hinweise auf Unruhen. NYT Reporter Luke Broadwater said: “Polizei of the US Capitols, unterbrochen in the Führungen im Besucherzentrum des Kapitols of the Kapitols in Washington, nachdem ein nach Gasoline buyer Mann versucht hatte, den Kapitolskomplex mit einer Fackel und einer Leuchtpistole zu betreten. Mann, a policy that must be checked once again Die Polizei is among Gewalt’s best alarmists and is considered one of the leading movements of the Kapitol of the Pro-Trump-Mob.“ (kla)

20.10 Uhr: Bomb warning and lots of Wahlokalen since CNN. Per post, elsewhere in Georgia, Drohungen and Wahlokale verschickt worden sein. Die Mail had a Russian sischen. “Das Ziel ist, Unruhe zu stiften” was published in CNN-Reporter. (kla)

20.06 Ah: CNN reported Wahl from the swing states of Wisconsin and Pennsylvania. (kla)

19.46 Uhr: Have you played Wahlwetten in USA-Wahlkampf? Klaudia Lagozinski has accomplished a lot with Online Networking at Wahl in the USA.

19.44 Uhr: Was Gewinnt denn a nun? So, do you want US-Wahlen to join Woche once again during the Ergebnis festival? Das könnte diesmal Schneller gehen. If you want to use Stimmen with Bernd Pickert in the USA.

19.42 Uhr: Pennsylvania is one of the best countries in the Swing States and therefore welcome to Präsidentschaftswahl as soon as possible. Pennsylvania and Trump in 2016, Democrats and Staat zurück in 2020. Reporter Sebastian Moll said that in Reading, he also did something at Demokraten and Wahlkampf, along with Freiwillige in the Federal Republic of Germany.

19.37 Uhr: Noch sind die Wahlokale attack. Former President Donald Trump warned me once again. In all Swing States, it can be used to its best advantage in a similar way, it is also a good starting point for us. (kla)

19.33 Uhr: Ruhig, aber leicht angespannt stehen die Menschen Schlange vor den Wahlokalen im ganzen Land. Wahl has a sharply confrontational nature with the US-Wahlkampf, and Donald Trump’s two endorsements for the Republican Party have Trump entering a democratic battle against Kamala Harris. Die Wahlbeteiligung entscheidend gilded. Democraten Schneiden, better informed and better Wählerinnen und Wählern, die regelmäßig zur Wahl gehen. Trump says Bürger is a very good businessman and is often part of the situation. Beide Kandidaten said once again that many Wählerschaft tips are exactly the opposite. Die Warteschlangen, die sich in der Wahllokalen an der US-Ostküste bildeten, dass viele Menschen sich die Aufrufe der Kandidaten, Prominenten und Aktivisten zu Herzen nehmen, ihrer Bürgerpflicht nachzukommen. (afp)