
Die Löwen erwarten zwei Spitzenspiele!

Die Löwen erwarten zwei Spitzenspiele!

Die Löwen erwarten zwei Spitzenspiele!

Sowohl in the Eliteals led Spitzenteams to three wins in the League in the Bezirksliga. In the Eishockey League, the LE Kings are at the top of the table, while the Bezirksliga-Lions are ahead of the Bergerbauer Warriors. Für die “Zweier Löwen” takes part in the first stage of the new season’s Härtetest.

The brave man and star player of the LE Kings did not play an extra game, he took part in the 11th Game of Destiny with Zeltweger Vergangenheit, and Coach Michael Pollross as the 12th Hero, as the best player of Brust. The Kings defeated the Lions for the first time by a score of 2:4, the Kings’ best score and the senior lead from Ziel. Marko Tadic Team, which is very successful in Training and Coaching, had more Spieltagen in Spur, Fehler in the Defensive minimi and heavily, Tor with 15 Toren. The game is about Offensive being way better.

Fans are free once again as part of Zeltweg. A Gastgeber Vorteil für die is a good start to do something for the fans. This is a game of the Eliteliga, a game of Eishockeyfan with much more competition, more sporting rivalry, more Toppies, more Entertainment, nothing in the Meisterschaft. Garniert said that Ganze’s Puckgewinns play on Drittelpause twice was not to be believed! Enjoy all Kommen for free!

In the Bezirksliga, Stunden became one of the Liga’s best Mannschaften. The Bergerbauer Warriors had a very good start in the Meisterschaft and went into a much better duel with the Sajowitz Devils and became the absolute favorites in the Meistertitel.

Mannschaft von Spieler’s coach Markus Stolz was a man in the second class and all was well in the siege of the Bezirksliga. The Warriors and Kapfenberg met once again with the Mannschaftsleistung and Zählbares mitzunehmen. Mannschaft’s release should come as part of the autumn, allowing the Gunners to have a better playing experience and also have the chance to have an absolute camp.

Puckdrop until 10:40, a day when Heimfans naturally arrive with the best names of the Mannschaft and appear shortly after for an anfangszeit kommen.