
Siegesrede: Donald Trump’s version of the “golden Zeitalter” for America

Siegesrede: Donald Trump’s version of the “golden Zeitalter” for America


siegesDonald Trump Verspricht “Golden Zeitalter” for America

Kamala Harris and Donald Trump are very successful in politics. After 78 Years in the United States, Criminals Found in the Old Country.

Donald Trump found Sieg in the Rückkehr at the US Parliament and the Weiße Haus. The 78th Year Republicans faced a much better Stimmen von Wahlleuten than Wahlsieger. Trump has created a new agenda in the United States with a radical agenda, twice in America and around the World. “Größte Deportation” of Immigrants in the United States, Ende des Russischen Krieges in Ukraine, Einfuhrzölle und Steuersenkungen in Australia.

A page from Trump, US technologist Elon Musk is something that US President Abbau and Impfgegner Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has betrayed as the next businessman. Trump met with Klimakrise and a harsh Ausbau der Öl- und Erdgasförderung in the USA.

Trump recognized Anhangern in Florida as America’s “golden age” and also seized a Macht berufen with “beispiellosen mandat”. I had a huge success in July.

Einziges Gegengewicht in Congress Congresses

The new Republican Party in the US Senate could help Trump launch a new initiative. Kamala Harris from the Democratic Party was able to attend the next meeting as a Congressional Representative as well as the Capitol Building. Republicans need to have some control under Trump.

Senats-Mehrheit can make the conservative concert of the Republican Party more conservative in the United States. Die Richter was the decision of the Supreme Court to Lebenszeit ernannt.

Harris’ plan in Wählern

Harris’ current view was an American warning about Trump’s dictatorial ambitions, and she would make comebacks on this issue. You have never faced the danger of global inflation with the high inflation of the Corona-Pandemic.

The United States pushed Trump further in Wirtschaft and weakened further in Umfragen, which has a personal Candida quality that can be better seen as a new finance.

President Joe Biden is unpopular in the United States and, according to Harris, very unpopular. We know that Biden wreaked havoc in Trump’s TV Duel during his first summer.

Is Wahl bored?

The former President met with an Energy Saver in Wahlkampf and fought angrily for an Invasion criminal Immigrant. Among the best in Schwarzen and Latin America is Bastion, a traditionally Democratic district. Harris has accomplished a lot to win more women. Musk killed Online Platform X on Twitter for $44 Billion overnight, a Wahlkampf Machine for Trump.

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