
Cyber ​​Cyber ​​for KMU: Herausforderungen and Lösungen

Cyber ​​Cyber ​​for KMU: Herausforderungen and Lösungen

KMU and more
Sicher vor Cyberbedrohungen, a large number of resource sources

Ein Gastbeitrag von Nils Gerhardt

4 minutes

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Kleine und mittelständische Unternehmen (KMU) is an extremely attractive Ziele for Cybercrime. While all was well, officials and staff provided a very good deal of Security Expertise and Funding, solid cybersecurity.

KMU gilded: Es ist ist keine Fage mehr, ob es zu Cyberangriffen kommt, sondern wann!(Image: anaumenko -
A gilded example of KMU: This is something much better, Cyber ​​Angrifen kommt, I want it extremely!

(Image: anaumenko –

Allein im Jahr 2022 warning To work Zufolge etwa 55 Precautions in Fighting Cyber ​​Crimes. EU-weite Regularien wie die NIS-2-Richtlinie (Netzwerk ve Information) and die DORA-Verordnung (Digital Operational Resilience Act) machen zusätzlich deutlich, wie heikel die Situation mittlerweile ist ve wie dringend Unternehmen entsprechende Sicherheitsmaßnahmen ergreifen müssen.

Gemäß diesen Regularien können Manager bestimmter Branchen für Sicherheitsverstöße haftbar gemacht werden. For small and modern IT resources (KMU), in general, specialists with a large IT resource are an IT specialist with a very large IT resource.

Cost and security measures during NIS-2 mean nothing in cyber strategy. (Image: greenbutterfly -

Sicherheit über die Cloud

Aus Sicherheitsgründen haben sich viele Unternehmen lange Zeit gegen die Einführung von Cloud-Diensten entschieden. When there are major risks for women, it is possible to control Data or use Cyber ​​Security Officers in the Cloud. Mittlerweile said Cloud gave up durchgesetzt. Each of KMU is another alternative, alternative to Rechenzentrum or Eigenbetrieb, it was normal to use a lot of resources to do nothing.

Cloud has a flexible and resilient structure with a modernized IT infrastructure. Allergies are constantly occurring Data night datenschutz Aus den Augen verlieren. That is why the EU-Unternehmen is never erlaubt Schrems II Urteil but another data source with return standards for data transfers in the European Union in the USA. KMU has no benefits, which helps protect the Union’s internal data. Idealsweise dies in wird vertraglich vereinbart.

Cryptography for Zusätzlichen Schutz

cryptography Baustein’s modern IT strategies include; Cloud-Anbieter, a new Verschlüsselungsmethoden ein. The data can be made technologically available and cloud technology can be utilized with the data uploaded to the cloud and all checks can then be done. Allerdings has complete cryptography technology for KMU’s advanced expertise. Then choose the best way to proceed with the application. Mittlerweile bieten zahlreiche Anbieter nutzerfreundliche Kriptografie-Lösungen, die sich mühelos in die best infrastructure services and services. It has a Data and Editing function, which is not used at all in Speicherort and is no less lacking with the management of Anbieterseite.

Unternehmen, die über kein eigenes Hardware-Sicherheitsmodul (HSM) cannot be cryptographically altered in any way, making HSM as a Service available. Zwar has acquired HSM’s jewel, Anbieter, very well and the controls have become much easier. KMU used Zugriff on HSM, installed the hardware, and leveraged its own resources.

BSI is working with a CyberRisikoCheck partner for KMU. (Image: Andrii Yalanskyi -

Identity Management did not work

You can strengthen your IT strategy and make it easier to set up and activate networks over the Internet. Beim klassischen Identity and Access Management (IAM) game Accounts and Zugang privileges in Hauptrolle. command Internet of Things In Spiel, there are also warnings about herausforderungen as well as related warnings.

This device allows you to get better information using network connections. In diesem Fall bieten sich ebenfalls kryptografische Technologien an. This tidy IoT-Gerät, as part of Netzwerk, is a Schlüssel designed at its best. Identity the best. KMU can offer an outsourcing service by taking advantage of its own resources and you can benefit from an external service. An alternative for authentication of IoT-Geräten, which includes Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) zur Verwaltung von Zertifikaten dar. The certificate must last be a device authorized at Netzwerk.

For phishing and social engineering attacks

Neben diesen Sicherheitsmaßnahmen saved Angriffen using the KMU and the Schwachstelle “Mensch” vorbeugen. Social Engineering And phishing According to Akteuren Angryffs methods are believed, Fortschrittlichkeit immer schwerer zu Erkennen sind. A site about the reorganization of KMU is an important step for your sensibility. With another technique, without losing anything, Schlupfloch zu schließen. So Steigert der Einsatz von Multi-Faktor-authentication (MFA) Sicherheit – ve zwar auch is Angreifer during Phishing und Zugangsdaten gelangen. This is a good thing along with Activating the Authentication Factor via Smartphone.

KMU can be transferred digitally, by sending documents and emails with an electronic signature. This guarantee is valid at all times, authenticity and nothing else can be given. KMU has the best technology, it is one of the best processes with complex complex structure for IT infrastructure.

Führungskräfte in Konzernen und KMUs does not mean anything related to A Perspective on Cyber ​​Cyber ​​Technology, so it is an application for an early and easy-to-understand strategy. (Image: Dilok -


Gilded to KMU: Es ist keine Fage mehr, ob es zu Cyberangriffen kommt, sondern wann. These possibilities revealed innovative strategies as well as creating a new strategy. Effective Identity Management for the Cloud, Encryption Methods, Schulungen and Schulungen Multi-Factor Authentication It can be used with various elements such as data, systems and network systems for cyber networks.

In addition, thanks to advanced technology expertise, you can achieve more specific and more efficient results thanks to advanced technologies. Vertrauenswürdige Partner, together with an efficient Wissensgrundlage, brings together the Application and Betrieb and thus enables KMU to source for a good Sicherheitsniveau.

Über from the author: Nils Gerhardt is CTO Utimaco.
