
Basketball: Schweizerinnen brought Aufholjagd and Sieg together in the Luxembourg goal

Basketball: Schweizerinnen brought Aufholjagd and Sieg together in the Luxembourg goal

Die Schweizerin Nadia Constantin (links) at Aktion
Die Schweizerin Nadia Constantin (links) at Aktion


Schweizer Basketballer took part in the EM Qualifications to great success. At 59:44, Luxemburg’s new group members went from Sieg 2 to Game 4.

We reached a very good Auswärtserfolg in Bosnia-Herzegovina (81:62) and the best of the Schweizerinnen Weg and from Niederlagen we set off towards Luxembourg and Montenegro. That’s why tickets for EM-Endrunde 2025 in Tschechien, Germany, Griechenland and Italy are much better Hoffnungen machen. It qualifies as a Group pensieger and is among the best Group pensiegers.

Entscheidenden beiden Qualifikationsspielen gegen Montenegro (6. February) and Bosnia-Herzegovina (9. February) in general Schweizerinnen Heimrecht.
