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Final Four steht: Do you like the fans?

Zum Duell zwischen Saarbrücken and Düsseldorf cables are not one of the best (©BeLa Sportfoto)

19.11.2024 – 1. FC Saarbrücken TT took part in the Liebherr Pokal-Final Four 2025 Festival in Wochenende. Damn it, Startplätze will all be back soon and their last payments will be returned. All Fans Warn Top Stars, High Classes and a New Titelkampf on January 4, 2025. Top-Event tickets at the Oranpharm arena Ulm/Neu-Ulm cost 14 Euros.

Hochspannung achieved the success it deserved in the Viertel finals of the German Tischtennis-Pokals. Zweimal, bis bis in Schlussdoppel, and a few more tickets for the Halbfinale battle. Zuspitzen was in the Liebherr Pokal-Final Four on January 4 in Spannung, in the Ulm/Neu-Ulm odds pharmacy arena, the first title of the first year. And what Teilnehmerfeld also hates: 1. FC Saarbrücken together with TT and TTF Liebherr Ochsenhausen are the two leading teams in both teams. Herausgefordert was at SV Werder Bremen and TTC OE was at Bad Homburg, dive into a super brave, thinking Wettbewerbs is a good thing.

All Fans: It brought together top stars such as Patrick Franziska, Hugo Calderano, Mattias Falck and Kristian Karlsson with the teams in Pokalfieber. Saarbrücker’s best title: Ausscheiden from Borussia Düsseldorf and TTC RhönSprudel Fulda-Maberzell is one of the top favorites in the Champions League Sieger of the Pokalsieg. His two years in the FCS’ German Tischtennis-Pokal (2022, 2012) were also among Trophäen’s best in Saarländer. Im Halbfinale treffen Franziska und Co. Auf den SV Werder Bremen – ve dürften gewarnt sein. Hanseaten faced a title favorite in the Viertelfinal and were surprised to see Saarbrücken achieve such great success. In the Bundesliga League (TTBL), they defeated Mattias Falck und Co. in Saarland with a score of 3:2 in September.

Liebherr Pokal-Final Four: Tickets start from 14 Euros

We are live on January 4th at the Liebherr Pokal-Final Four and with a lot of matches we beat Topstars with a Blick tournament title. from Ticketshop werfen. The daily category for Final Four tickets is 14 Euros. Meanwhile, the proportional pharmacy arena in Ulm/Neu-Ulm sells jewelry with 5000 fans, the girls buy all their tickets. Auch in diesem Jahr gilded daher: schnell sein!

Während Bremen and Saarbrücken am 4. In January a Tisch aufeinandertreffen, three were born in parallel at TTF Liebherr Ochsenhausen and TTC OE Bad Homburg. The Gerade 35 Kilometer Luftlinie trennen Ochsenhausen and the rate pharmacy arena is a Haustür almost where the TTF has won a new victory. Mit bislang vier Titeln (2002, 2003, 2004, 2019) und Schwaben das zweiterfolgreichste Team der Pokalhistorie hinter Borussia Düsseldorf (28), Nummer fünf soll nun im Januar folgen. Ochsenhausen was among Rennen’s top stars, with Hugo Calderano, Simon Gauzy and Shunsuke Togami appearing at Pokalsieg 2019 for the first time. Bad Homburg had a very good season from Kristian Karlsson and were once again in possession. I played in the semi-final between Schwede Zwei Einzelsiege and TSV Bad Königshofen with a score of 3:2.

Sitzplatzgenaue Bestellungen sind im TTBL-Ticket shopCall 0761 888499 99 and then call Vorverkaufsstellen möglich.

Die Pokalsieger der Vergangenen 10 Years

2023/24: Borussia Düsseldorf (1. FC Saarbrücken 3:0 in the final of the TT)
2022/23: TTC Neu-Ulm (3:0 in the final against Borussia Düsseldorf)
2021/22: 1. FC Saarbrücken TT (3:1 in the final against Borussia Düsseldorf)
2020/21: Borussia Düsseldorf (3:1 in the final of TTF Liebherr Ochsenhausen)
2019/20: ASV Grünwettersbach (3:2 in the final of TTF Liebherr Ochsenhausen)
2018/19: TTF Liebherr Ochsenhausen (3:1 in the Final at SV Werder Bremen)
2017/18: Borussia Düsseldorf (3:0 in the final of the 1. FC Saarbrücken TT)
2016/17: Borussia Düsseldorf (3:0 in the final of the 1. FC Saarbrücken TT)
2015/16: Borussia Düsseldorf (3:2 in the Final of TTC RhönSprudel Fulda-Maberzell)
2014/15: Borussia Düsseldorf (3:2 in the Final of TTC RhönSprudel Fulda-Maberzell)

Das Liebherr Pokal-Final Four, 4 January 2025, at Übersicht

Halbfinals on 11 Uhr
Halb final 1: TTF Liebherr Ochsenhausen – TTC OE Bad Homburg
Halb final 2: SV Werder Bremen – 1. FC Saarbrücken TT

Final, my Anschluss
Sieger Halbfinale 1 – Sieger Halbfinale 2