
Schwerer Alkocrash in Vöcklabruck: 38-Jähriger flüchtet zu Fuß

Schwerer Alkocrash in Vöcklabruck: 38-Jähriger flüchtet zu Fuß

Von Fahrbahn abgekommen

Pkw flog 25 Meters in Luft



1.42 Promille and Blut arrived with a 38-hour Autofahrer after a fall in Bezirk Vöcklabruck. (SYMBOLBILD)

Fahrbahn covered a distance of 25 Meters during a flight at 38-Jähriger with an Automobile in Oberösterreich. Der Mann, After His Fall Flüchtete zu Fuß nach dem Fall.

from: SALZBURG24 (monday)

A sunset took place at 20.30 at Gemeindegebiet in Bezirk Vöcklabruck. A 38-Jähriger arrived from Polizei, in a Pkw of the Wolfsegger Landesstraße on the Fahrbahn, since Luft for 25 Meters in a Leitschiene and flog etwa. Cars are running very fast and running at the Stop Stop for 40 Meters.

Alcoholic beverages offered by Crash

Der 38-Jährige went to Flüchtete unmittelbar danach zu Fuß. Zeugen covered more than a kilometer from Polizei, Mann and into traffic. The reason Unfalls is more believable is due to Beamten Mitteilte. The Alkotest ergab is 1.42 Promille. Führerschein was about Polizisten jedoch nicht abnehmen, but it bereits entzogen war. This is very important.

(Quelle: SALZBURG24)

Starting from 21.11.2024 at 09:27