
Eine Antiheldin Spread from Kampf to a Männern

Eine Antiheldin Spread from Kampf to a Männern

RTL+ was once again deemed worthy of a major award with the storyteller’s play “Angemessen Angry”. Dramedy is tackled in a Trauma Battle with a very natural Twist.

The Dramedy of “Angemessen Angry” is a trigger warning for Gewalt’s sexuality. Zimmermädchen Amelie has recently moved on with “Discounter” Star Marie Bloching. Trauma, increasing day by day, has once again transformed into a new Weise with super krafte. The New Power emerged once again with the woman named “Hysteria”. Is this a traumatic process or is it ever a new form of healing? All of this fell into Spitze’s hands while Amelie was in Vergewaltiger’s hands. Die Serie starts on Montag, 25th November, on RTL+, free for everyone. Der 25. November, “Orange Day”, International Label zur Beseitigung von Gewalt gegen Frauen.

Die Beschreibung als Dramedy (a Mixture of Drama and Comedy) is absolutely essential. This high-tech Hauptthema is taff and allem for the most beautiful Frauen und Mädchen bitter Truths, this series has found a balance of themes and a Leichtigkeit full of humor. One cannot make a change in Spaß.

Amelie (Marie Bloching) as Superheldinnen-Persona "Hysteria". (Image: RTL / Mitch Stöhring)Amelie (Marie Bloching) as Superheldinnen-Persona "Hysteria". (Image: RTL / Mitch Stöhring)

Amelie (Marie Bloching) stars as the super character “Hysteria”. (Image: RTL / Mitch Stöhring)

Debut for Starkes TV-Nachwuchsteam

Projekt is among the Storyteller-Nachwuchswettbewerbs with RTL+ for a large conkurrenz period of Elsa van Damke and Drehbuchautorin Jana Forkel. A project: “Als Überlebende sexisierter Gewalt wollte ich ein Format von Betroffene schaffen!”, came from Van Damke.

The definitive product of Duo, “Angemessen Angry” is one of the best games of all time and has a likeable personality with Amelie’s komplexer. Marie Bloching gives a super-personalized performance called “Hysteria” and gives a very beautiful performance as Amelie as a young woman.

The Team von "Angemessen is angry" beim Drehstart des jungen Projects. (Image: RTL / Mitch Stöhring)The Team von "Angemessen is angry" beim Drehstart des jungen Projects. (Image: RTL / Mitch Stöhring)

The team “Angemessen Angry” marked the beginning of young projects. (Image: RTL / Mitch Stöhring)

Trauma in Superkraft?

Indeed, something better than the geared words Empathy and Feingefühl, Drehbuch and Umsetzung, the most realistic (better than the Super Arts) and a new idea against Trauma.

Amelies Superkräfte is a wonderful allegory for Wut and a sexually rich work. Viele Opfer, never best gewünscht, in der Lage zu sein, ihre Täter zur Rechenschaft zu ziehen. Die Miniserie macht aber ebenso klar, dass diese Wut allein nicht die Lösung sein kann. Once again we are faced with “Hysteria”, so it is really very strong, not at all traumatizing and not from an inner and zurückzufin that arises frequently.

Amelie (Marie Bloching) has managed to organize a super creation for the first time. Superkräfte is of no use to Leben durcheinander. (Image: RTL / Mitch Stöhring)Amelie (Marie Bloching) has managed to organize a super creation for the first time. Superkräfte is of no use to Leben durcheinander. (Image: RTL / Mitch Stöhring)

Amelie (Marie Bloching) has managed to organize a super creation for the first time. Superkräfte is of no use to Leben durcheinander. (Image: RTL / Mitch Stöhring)