
Website von Schwyz and DDoS-Angriff nicht erreichbar (Update)

Website von Schwyz and DDoS-Angriff nicht erreichbar (Update)

Der Ostschweizer Website-Anbieter Backslash is a Sonntagmorgen hosted by a Hackerangriff. Der Folge waren zahlreiche Gemeinde- und Kantons-Websites nicht erreichbar. Nachmittag, I know everything is better on the Cantonese Schwyz Website. Combat is now offline while in Montagmorgen.

Ursache der Probleme is in DDoS-Angriff, a Betreiber rip-off. At night and with very big and stronger attacks, Mischa Sameli became the last tag of ‘Keystone-SDA’ with Backslash.

Website von Schwyz war das Ziel

Angriff has agreed with 318 Websites and Internet sites in Kantone Schwyz and Glarus, more importantly. Ziel des Angriffs war der Online-Auftritt des Kantons Schwyz.

The first Meldung gave Anbieter’s Angriffs Verzeichnete at the End of the Night at 1.30 Uhr. The backslash means nothing, but you won’t solve the problem completely. Also, Angriffs’ Motivation is not good at all, regarding the Bundesamt für Cybersicherheit (Bacs).

This is above all with an Abstimmungssonntag. This isn’t a printing press or anything. It has become an essential service with an integrated data or data transfer regarding all Bacs, Behörden and Gemeinden.

Update (9.20Uhr): Morgens Verlauf Encounters Problem and there is more information on the Canton Schwyz Website.