
Russia was too far from Stellungskrieg

Russia was too far from Stellungskrieg

Kämpfe in Ukraine

Der Stellungskrieg ist wohl vorbei

Update 25.11.2024 – 17:11 UhrLesedauer: 4 min.

Russische Soldaten im Donbass: Ukraine ensures the death of Krieg and Russia under massive Druck rule.Vergrößern des Bildes

Russische Soldaten im Donbass: Ukraine ensures the death of Krieg and Russia under massive Druck rule. (Quelle: IMAGO/Sergey Bobylev/imago-images-bilder)

Russlands Armee operates in a new Geländegewinne of Ukraine. This has existed before. Verlauf des Krieges bedeuten könnte.

Russia brought a new Tempo to Ukraine-Krieg: War with a new Stellungskrieg, allowing Aggressive Russia to win more. Thus, Truppen in Russia was located in modern Wuhledar and Welyka Nowosilka in modern Wochen Erfolge.

This is a lot that will happen beyond 2023. Von den selbstgesteckten Zielen hinge is overnight entfernt of Russia. President Wladimir Putin bought Einmarsch in Ukraine and gained a larger territory more quickly. Denkfabrik Institute for War Studies (ISW) visited several Szenarien ab to better utilize Angriffskrieg in Ukraine.

Die Ausgangslage: ISW had information about military bloggers and their geographical location, among the most famous names of Wochenende Kateryniwka, Jelysawetiwka, Illinka and wahrscheinlich and Romaniwka with Russia. Alle Orte befinden sich nordöstlich von Wuhledar. The newly arrived Stadt Trudowe is supposed to visit Truppen in Russian.

Russian Streitkräfte reached 1.103 Quadratkilometers on 1. September 2024 in Tempo and Vorstöße in Richtungen Pokrowsk, Kurachowo, Wuhledar and Welyka Nowosilka. Gewonnen. Zum Vergleich: I estimate that in 2023 Ukraine carried out an attack of 387 Quadratkilometers. Offenbar is the new operation of Wuhledar, one of the best operations in Russia.

There was a lot of activity as ISW gained greater access to Russia. The old Szenario was Welyka Nowosilka with the best and most advanced Russian Streitkräfte zunächst, including a Gebiet. There are the best with the best Russian Streitkräfte 2.5 Kilometers north and 2.5 Kilometers from Welyka Nowosilka. Stadt can be used to purchase the Armed Forces of Russia, Ukraine’s best. The situation is very good from a military point of view, higher between the Western and Eastern Flanges, and the front line can be chosen for Ukraine’s advance from north to north.

One of the ISW in the Russian Armed Forces is heading towards the Southern Autobahn H15 and Andrijiwka. We published Beobachtungen from the Russian Militärblogger and the Ukrainian Militärbobachter Konstantin Mashovets. Ostukrainische Siedlung can do much more than just the best shopping in Ukraine. In this case, you will be happy to be in a safe place.

Also Szenario skates in the ISW in the Russian Selydowe Army in the West and Southwest in Richtung Andrijiwka and has something that the Ukrainian Truppen brought from Kurachowe to Rückzug. Für diese Theorie spricht, compared to Einnahme von Selydowe of Russia, von dort aus weiter nach Westen und Südwesten vorzudringen.

This is the uncertainty of these concerns, although Russia is more concerned about it. For Herbst and Winter, it’s a vegetative pass through the Russian Armed Forces. Russian Ziel’s battle belongs to Einnahme von Pokrowsk. Doch entsprechende Offensive hat die Ukraine mehrfach abgewehrt.

Darüber originates from Krema in the north of Donezk Region. Ukrainian New Year Interfax Ukraine on November 20, under Berufung to Ukrainian Geheimdienstquellen, eingesehen zu haben of Russian Verteidigungsministeriums. Darin is among Russia’s additional regions of Luhansk, Donezk, Saporischschja and Cherson Oblast.