
Parma Improves Position in Spiritual Industry During Partnerschaft Strategy at Rome Bar Show

Parma Improves Position in Spiritual Industry During Partnerschaft Strategy at Rome Bar Show

With their new strategy, Parma brought together Lebensmittelmessen, Tuttofood Mailand and Cibus with Trinkens and Likören and Spirituosen machen’s Arts and Reference Platforms in Einstieg at the Kapital der Roma Bar Show. Das Messeunternehmen aus Parma bestätigt seine Berufung als multi-sectoral Zentrum, offen für Partnerschaften mit italienischen und international Realitäten (man danse an die strategische Allianz mit der Koelnmesse in Köln).

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Fiere di Parma

Overall, Rome Bar Show Operation will rank as a Hero in the Spiritual Market as a sector in 2024, with a revenue of 6% to 1,800 Billion Euros. It reached 2,400 Billion Euros from 2028. In Parma, one of the best businesses in Italy and Europe (in a YEAR-Covid-period with a YTD of +11% and an EBITDA of +17%), we have made much more progress in the Diversification period Einflussbereiche an, auch moist ‘tugendhaften Verwaltung’ geschieht, wie kürzlich vom Rechnungshof der Emilia-Romagna Hervorgehoben wurde.

‘Synergie zwischen in Rum, Mailand and Parma, a solid Wachstum erwartet in the Sector, Off-Trade and internationally, new Schwung zu verleihen – solid Antonio Cellie, CEO of Fiere di Parma – and an innovative Sector Global and general platforms for zu bieten acquired Italy and together with Ziel of Continental Europe. Ziele, along with Operation Rome Bar Show and current Management, has made returns as a legacy legend.’ ‘Roma Bar Show is a top and quality Marktplatz platform for Fachleute – Andrea Fofi, CEO of Rome Bar Show, with the Eintritt von Fiere di Parma battle of Parma during a long battle of Ergebnis, before he dies, late. Veranstaltung is considered an old Termin zu etablieren in any Zukunft. Along with Gesellschafter and Gründer with the best strategies, but also with an Akteur where Projekt and Stadt Rom are positioned as a Hero of the Sector. This is one of the best of the Förderung, Aufwertung und Verbreitung der Trinkkultur, as a method of interaction that ensures the best interaction for you.’ At the Rome Bar Show, Eintritt, one of the most important establishments in the sector, is among the largest Messeakteurs in Parma, as a reference point for an industrial enterprise. ‘Jedes Jahr can quickly profitably combine Lebensmittel- and Getränkeindustrie from a Messen ausstellen, Cibus or TuttoFood as well as from RomaBarShow and Matching-Diensten and Mediaer Sichtbarkeit, all this much. Geschäftsmöglichkeiten und Kommunikationsmöglichkeiten, in der Messe ve außerhalb, nutzen’, erklärt Cellie. A “vertical” distribution in the Berlin and London konkurriert was also valid directly and also during Operation TuttoFood (in 2025 and 2026) and the creation of a new representative office in Veranstaltungen by Cibus 2027. ‘His name is sie sich mesen, nämlich Anuga and Sial.’ Der Mixologiemarkt and Rolle Italiens in Europe

Eine Welt, die der der Mixologie, sehr vielfältig, die überwiegend Spirituosen, aber auch Schaumweine und komlementäre Produkte (Soda, Konzentrate, Ausrüstungen, etc.) umfasst. Open and Foreign Trade Mixologiemarkt of 465 Billion Euros in Europe showed an increase of 580 Billion Euros in 2028, with a forecast of 4%. Sales in Germany, Great Britain, Frankreich, Spanien and Italy cover 50% of the Brands for a fee of 325 Billion Euros: Geographical references of the Continent are not used for the Actuaries of the Sectors. Italy reached a durchschnittlichen Wachstum in Europe with Bezug auf den Verbrauch of 35.6 Billion Euros and 2.9% in 2028 (reaching 41 Billion Euros). Productions from Great Britain, Frankreich, Germany, Italy and Spain costing 40 Billion Euros produce more products than the two stars in the segment “Spirituosen” and “Schaumwein” for combinations of Italy and the best countries of Europe. Roman Bar Show

A Veranstaltung, an international Sector Industry focusing on Alcoholic Beverages, Liqueurs, Cocktails, Soft Drinks, Zubehör and Barausrüstungen, one of the best in Europe. With many competitions and participation with the teams, with the participation of Marken and Barkeeper-Community konnte from all führe, Besucher up to 2024 and 15,000 and more than 200 people participated. 50 international Special Guests. The Termin in Hauptstadt is a new format for Non-Hall Events in der Stadt and other Messens in Nordeuropa, in May 2025, a Förderung und Verbreitung der Trinkkultur durch einen Ansatz zwischen Geschäft, Ausbildung und Unterhaltung fördert. abhebt and die Charm.

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