
«Disable Autos Verkaufen with B2B»

«Disable Autos Verkaufen with B2B»

As President and CEO of BMW Schweiz, we see that Sergio Solero does not stand by the Schweizer Culture of the Landes Landes Automobile Brand. Im Gespräch mit A very rich brand in the Premium segment of BMW, it has a product range for Electromobility in Schweiz and has personal favorites in the current BMW Product palette.

I am eindrücklichen BMW Brand Experience Center In Dielsdorf treffen wir Sergio Solero. This is a new Automobile Manager from BMW. With its entry into Italy’s Serpentinenstrasse, the Dolomiten Gebürtig became part of BMW’s “Freude am Fahren” Philosophy along with the Fahnen Schreibt.

Solero is in Schweiz eingelebt, Inzwischen said. Er kannte das Land, St. He owned Ferien in a large Jugend in St. Moritz. Something new began with a faster Hingabe and Entschlossenheit. There is a Wertschätzung from Schweizer Markt and much more from Ausdruck, together with Wille, they work more intensively with Herausforderungen and Chancen.

You met with Monaten CEO of BMW Schweiz. Did you deceive me or did you go too hard?

Die Vielfalt der Schweiz. Obwohl ich das Land von aussen kannte, ist es etwas ganz anderes, diese Vielfalt aus erster Hand zu erleben. 26 Cantonese has its own unique identity, and with the development of Patchwork along with culture and art, it began to be used everywhere at all times. Ich habe das ganze Land bereist – von der Romandie bis Tessin. Französisch kann ich mich zwar verständigen kann, habe aber gleichwohl begonnen, die Sprache zu veriefen, um mich noch better zurechtzufinden.

«Perfect, um die Schweizer Bergstrassen zu erleben»: BMW M8 Competition. (Image: zVg)

Was Schweizer Kundschaft einzigartig?

Own High Technology Cars! The BMW M-Modelle and MINI John Cooper Works were more convincing. Tatsächlich zählt die Schweiz zu unseren wichtigsten Märkten weltweit für Premiumfahrzeuge. There is nothing new in Luxus yet – Schweizer Art and Kunden gross Quality and Innovation were perfect for BMW’s Kernwerten.

Sie auch von herausforderungen gesprochen. Was Sie in der Schweiz a huge mistake?

Infrastructure Infrastructure for Elektrofahrzeuge in Stadten – or better practices of Mangel. Autobahnnetz has a solid infrastructure of infrastructure in urban transport. In Wohngegenden, Arbeitsplatz or open educational parks, I think of the Infrastructure between Germany and the Länder, or the infrastructure in the rest of Northern Germany. We are happy to see that you have a good time.

And fight one more night with the kürzliche Rückruf…

Ja, Rückruf encountered an integrated problem with Bremssystem and had no left in a Schweiz. Financing has never been more important than Siberheit and Transparency, Kundinnen and Kunden, as it has much more finances operationally. There were no problems with this issue at Bremsen, resulting in a dedicated support system. An issue was encountered between Schweizer Behörden and the Bundesamt für Strassen (ASTRA) and the issue was lost. Modern Diagnosetools can potentially detect one of the best problems early and fix the mass.

Don’t let BMW fight with anything but Schweizer Kundinnen and Kunden. How did you find the best position?

This is historical loss. Einige Wettbewerber waren schneller, die Bedürfnisse der Schweizer – insbesondere nach Allradantrieb – zu erfüllen. Das hat sich jedoch grundlegend geändert. Make xDrive Technology a standard; More than 80 people benefited from the services offered by Allradantrieb in Schweiz.

«Best for Past Groups: More than the X1 or 3rd Touring Entscheiden, as the Best Management of Management, Often with Models of the

This was our top of the line Premium product. The M-Model or other 5er-Touring-Wagen – Schweizer Kundinnen und Kunden has a great Gespür for quality and Leistung. Schweiz offers one of the best brands for better BMWs.

Blick in die Zukunft: Vision Neue Klasse X. (Image: zVg)

The new model stands out as BMW is the No. 1 brand under Premium-Marken in Schweiz. Who can manage Erfolg?

Es ist eine Kombination aus mehrreren Faktoren. There is a range of product strategies: Among the electric products, there is a single palette and many products – Plug-in-Hybrid, Petrol and Diesel. Wir wissen, dass sich die schnell schnelln entwickeln, ve können can be done much better.

Zweitens unsere localen Partnerschaften. Emil Frey is a brave person: once the 55-year-old allowed BMW to take a direct ride in Switzerland. Einzelhandel also has another partner, begleiten three more times.

Drittens is a member of the Schweizer Team. This is an incentive of Mitarbeitenden and hinges that are part of BMW. Hinzu has a simple financial economy, but an integrated Bestandteil eliminates the Ökosystems darstellt.

Contact Finanzindustrie. Does BMW have a branch?

The financial institute shows the best Kunden in B2B-Bereich and a large vortex of numerous financial centers. It operates under three different brands: BMW and MINI Financial Services for Private and Geschäftskunden, Alphabet and Alphera for Financial Services in Gebrauchtwagen.

Schweiz is among the best finance products: Over 70 money from BMW and MINI Fahrzeuge is a finance product. Raffineste has a more comprehensive Leasing plan and has become even richer and has also expanded further into a more specialized service.

For CEOs and the Bundesräte: Interior View of the BMW i7 Limousine. (Image: zVg)

Does Welche believe what Modelle Schweiz believes?

Touring Models are 3rd and 5th according to Dauebrenner, and SUVs are X1 and X3. X1’s books are a company where the new X3 is a new product featured in the Bestseller.

«über 80 Prozent unserer Verkäufe in der Schweiz beinhalten Allradantrieb.»

The MINI Seite of the Convertible reached 20 Prozent der Verkäufe in Switzerland. Das zeigt was between Schweizerinnen and Schweizer das Fahren and free Himmel genessen. I am Luxussegment, 7er-Reihe, part of i7 electric in Highlight. A new member of the Bundesrats, together with the Dienstfahrzeug – an opportunity for great convenience and innovative features.

Welche Entwicklungen, Schweizer Sanat und Kunden can you make a new start?

There are also many things. The “New Klasse” Platform, the newest member of the IAA in Munich, is a much larger Schritt vorn. A new electronic platform with a new set of Leistung and Technology. MINI has equipped the old John Cooper Works model and the new Convertible with a larger Vorfreude. This came with a Motorradangebot, which later attracted further attention from Töff-Fans.

MINI John Cooper Works Countryman. (Image: zVg)

BMW has a representative model in Europe. Was it Bedeutet das für die Schweiz?

I am a traditional model, a better example of Fahrzeuge and Kundschaft from Herstellern. As a representative of BMW’s hinged models, I call them “local heroes” with direct support from Handelspartner. In Preisgestaltung and Bestandsverwaltung, Verkauf has Handler and service providers as partners.

Politisch hat das new Modell in der Schweiz für Controversen gesorgt. Warum?

There is this kind of understanding that is a product of traditional Handlernetz. Everything in the Kundschaft is accepted transparently. Down payment and other payments can be made online or via Avg. Auch die Handler made a profit by obtaining more financing from the large amount of Lagerbestände. This can be made even easier with excellent service konzentriieren.

This Model serves as a useful Kunden in Omnichannel-Erlebnis with Online Search and personal interaction issues. A central Lagerverwaltung can be used to achieve great savings with a good system.

Flotten- und Geschäftskunden sind sehr wichtig fürBMW Schweiz. Was Macht Ihren Ansatz an enemy?

Etwa 50 Procent unserer Fahrzeuge werden über B2B-Kanale verkauft – this is one of the best and best service providers. There was flexibility, it was not Flexibility. Most of the time we drive Führungskräften in the management from X1 or 3 to 3 Touring, most often with X5 or 7th class models. Also, the CO₂-Fussabdruck is free of wool, making the models better with the i4.

«Schweizer Kundinnen und Kunden legen grossen Wert auf Qualität und Innovation was perfect from Kernwerten of BMW Passt.»

But once again we played an important financial game. Wir bieten Lösungen für die Gesamtkostenbetrachtung (Total Cost of Ownership), indem wir Leasing, Versicherung und Wartung in one bulk package. This enabled budget planning and Flotten management to be efficient.

Do you automatically think of something personal?

Ein, Pivileg und meinen Job ist disgusting: Ich darf alles ausprobieren! Kürzlich fuhr ich das M8 Cabriolet Competition – perfect, um die Schweizer Bergstrassen zu erleben, it makes a Wochenenden sound in the Alpen. Davor has leveraged powerful technologies such as iX and M760 Plug-in-Hybrid and has been dubbed BMW’s cutting-edge Bandbreite. Tested as soon as possible with the new M5 – a perfect M-Hochleistung synthesis and a modern Fähigkeiten Plug-in-Hybrid, ideal for controlling the Fahren electrics in Zürcher Innenstadt.

Seit März ist 2024 Sergio Solero President and CEO BMW Switzerland and Simplify Off-Road Activation. It is a global service that BMW has created a new range of products globally, making it much more successful as an innovative strategy in Marketing and Marketing. A real battle for position is the Forecast for the Retail Development of the BMW Group and ensures that Einzelhandels and Kundenerlebnisses are well handled.