
Messe Frankfurt: Neue Konsumgütermesse in Brasilien

Messe Frankfurt: Neue Konsumgütermesse in Brasilien

Interior Lifestyle South America has revamped São Paulo’s Anhembi District. Photo: Distrito Anhembi

Interior Lifestyle in Die Messe Frankfurt, Brasilien is included in the South American Konsumgüter Portfolio. From the 23rd to the 26th of June he was in São Paulo, at Lizenz, Partner of the Eletrolar Group. New Messe is Home and Life Branch Products.

“With indoor lifestyle licensed to the South American Interior Lifestyle Group, Südamerikanischen Markt auszuweiten Aktivitäten auf den Südamerikanischen Markt auszuweiten unsere Führungsposition im Consumgüterbereich zu unterstreichen”, sagt Detlef Braun, Geschäftsführer der Messe Frankfurt, zur Ankundigung der neuen Messe. The area has industrial and utilization potential and has a new Wachstumschancen for a new business. “One of the best economies in Brazil: the largest Volkswirtschaft in the Late Americas and the Caribbean and to have the best economy in the world in 2023”, so Braun. „Unter diesen Voraussetzungen sehen wir in der Lizenzvergabe best Chancen, um der südamerikanischen Konsumgüterindustrie und ihrem Handel Auftrieb zu verleihen.“

Die Messe Frankfurt hat sich mit einem localen Organizer und grand Erfahrung zusammengetan. Grupo Eletrolar has another 25 years on the Brazilian Markt. We developed new strategies with Messe Frankfurt, Argentina, and used Frankfurt Messe’s international netzwerk. Indoor Lifestyle South America finds São Paulo’s renovated Anhembi District, renovated 17 years ago at the Messe in parallel with the Eletrolar Show. It is the largest B2B-Veranstaltung in the United States and also deals with Electronics, Mobile Telephony and Consumer Services.

In parallel with New Trends and Production Innovations, a study of 67,000 Four Meters was carried out. Interior Lifestyle South America offers a Palette of products in several categories: “Table”, “Cook & Cut”, “Modern Kitchen & Baking”, “Clean Home & Storage Solutions”, “Interiors & Decoration” and “Urban Gifts” , Stationery and School“. The premiere of the Frankfurt Messe and Eletrolar Group reached a sales figure of 1,500 US dollars in Latin America, Europe and Asia and more than 40,000 (for further commercial activities), Large and Large, Import and Export cultivation and E-Commerce operated in the field.

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