
Forlan Organized a Profitable Tennis Tournament

Forlan Organized a Profitable Tennis Tournament

Uruguay’s Fußball Legend Diego Forlan has performed well as a profitable tennis player – and the battle anschließend trotzdem glücklich. 45-Jährige took the lead for the first time in the ATP-Challenger-Level at Doppel in Montevideo, with the performance of Argentinian Federico Coria and Boris Arias and Bolivian Federico Zeballos with 1:6, 2:6. Forlan fights with a Wildcard and a starter.

“Das hätte ich mir nicht einmal vorstellen, geschweige denn erträumen können. Es ist wunderbar, gegen Profis gespielt zu haben – dafür braucht man Mut”, sagte Forlan: “Ich nehme ein paar Volleys, einen guten Schmetterball und ein paar Vorhände aus den Ballwechseln mit.”

One of the biggest football games was Celeste, a better national sports game among amateur tournaments and Senior Athletes – there were also big junior tennis games. Levels below the ATP Tour at night are a crime.