
Basel: The Unwanted Demonstration of the Patriarchate

Basel: The Unwanted Demonstration of the Patriarchate


BaselThere is a “Patriarchate” between Pyros and Sprays

Montagabend organized a demonstration in Basel. There is a service and more than 200 tips across various services.

Giulia Weber
  • I admire a reluctant demonstration event in Montagabend, Basel.

  • This is the background to Spreyien and Hausfassaden und Schaufenstern. Toured Auch Pyros.

  • SVP sagt: Unangemeldete Demonstrations can be carried out more easily.

There are a lot of people at the Marktplatz in Basel for 18 hours in Montagabend. I came across a reluctant show with an international label with a woman. Performances include a Sachbeschädigungen and Verkehrsstörungen in Basler Innenstadt.

Nothing shown

For a total of 19 days, with a group of 200 people, we work together with men from Handwagen and Lautsprechern in Bewegung. The shows range from Mittlere Brücke to Claraplatz to Matthäuskirchplatz and include 20 hours of Demo. A large area of ​​the route is connected with extreme Sprays, Fassaden and Schaufenstern excursions and various Pyros excursions. This is a better service and a special service.

Cantonal Media in Basel-Stadt did nothing about any demonstrations at the Polizeikräfte on Marktplatz, at the hands of Dialogteam.

Breite Unterstützung for Anliegen

A demonstration organized together with a men’s and women’s camp coordinated by a feminist organization.

There are various organizations on the campuses, such as Amnesty International or SP and Parties, Grünen or Mitte Frauen and Frauenrechtsgruppen, Fachstellen, Nichtregierungsorganizations.

“There were also gilded shows in the Meinungsäusserungsfreiheit und Versammlungsfreiheit Grundrecht.”

Raffaela Hanauer (Grüne Basel-Stadt)

«Wir waren nicht involviert in die Organiser Show», Stellt Raffaela Hanauer, Grossrätin der Grünen Basel-Stadt, klar. Grundsätzlich, a piece of a good thing became a better thing, as a demonstration, as a demonstration, with good organization, well organized. Hanauer betont zudem: «A reluctant Demo plunged into the Grundrecht with Meinungsäusserungsfreiheit and Versammlungsfreiheit.» Once upon a time, something or another, with a diesel-fueled engine, was something much more than a Sachen beschädigen.

“Eine solche Kundgebung muss im Einklang mit dem Grundsatz des Rechtsstaats stehen.”

Tamara Hunziker (FDP Basel-Stadt)

«Show stand at Zusammenhang with International Label Gewalt and Frauen. “It is a label that we face a problem in Machen,” said Tamara Hunziker der Basler FDP. Partially in Zusammenhang, Kantone was active in Basel-Stadt and Baselland, together with other countries, and a wide range of actions were taken with new themes.

Hunziker, “Unbewilligte Impression, a solo performer at the Aktionstage and acting contraproductively”, meint Hunziker. Eine Solche Kundgebung is zwingend with Grundsatz des Rechtsstaats Stehen in Einklang. «A careful dialog cannot be created and for some important issues it is the theme that has a long history that has been going on for a long time», Schliesst Hunziker.

«Unbewilligte The screening took place once again.»

Joël Thüring (Senior Vice President Basel-Stadt)

The Senior Vice President also made a critical assessment: “In Meinung, we will once again use the Demos reluctantly and illegally. These various Sachbeschädigungen were, as Basler Senior Vice President-Gross Manager Joël Thüring said, completely deleted.” “Ich erwarte, dass die Polizei in solchen Fällen rasch handelt, einschreitet und die Verantwortlichen dingfest macht.”

Is it something related to sexuality, sexuality, psychotherapy, or another engagement, or is it something else?

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