
AP: Harris gewinnt in Maine

AP: Harris gewinnt in Maine

There’s a thing about Wahlsystem in Maine: The saying “winner takes all” never goes away.

Democrat Kamala Harris took part in the Maine State Federal Assembly in the USA and made many promises. While we get bored, a Wahl person has the jewels and jewels, while we get to know a Harris with Donald Trump, whom Wahl considers a new hat and a former player. This is a New AP with Wählerbefragungen and Grundlage of the old Stimmauszählungen.

In 2020, Joe Biden emerged as a new supporter against Trump in the Northern Federal Republic. In Maine, the Bundesstaat in Nebraska has a system on the Wahl system: It is never all Wahlleute of the other Bundesstaaten and has nothing to do with its winner. Neben zwei Wahlleuten, die auf dem Gesamtergebnis des Statees foundationeren, werden hier zwei weitere Wahlleute auf Basis der Ergebnisse, inzelnen Wahlbezyken at best.